Detox Plan
Essential Detox
Start with 1 pill on day one, increasing by 1 pill each day until you reach 8 pills. Continue taking 8 pills daily for 20 days. For sustained health and wellbeing, complete the Essential Detox every six months. (1 bottle required)
Maintenance (recommended)
After completing the Essential Detox, take 8 pills once a week on a set day (for example, every Monday) as continued maintenance. This aids in preventing parasitic and bacterial overgrowth infection, despite exposure. (1 additional bottle or as needed)
Our Approach to Detox Duration
During the first 20 days of taking Renovate, most parasites, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, and toxins are effectively removed. Most parasites lay eggs before being fully eliminated. (study) These eggs typically hatch within two to three months and cannot be removed until hatched (study), which is why we recommend ongoing maintenance with the Essential Detox.